How you can support Court Tennis?
The USCTPF is both a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization and a 501 (j) Amateur Athletic Organization. Relying on the generosity of the court tennis community with contributions from foundations and patrons of the game to ensure a bright future for this historically significant sport. As stewards of the game, its supporters, and its future – we stand on the shoulders of those who came before to build a strong platform for the long term viability of the sport.
Ways To Give
Online donations can be directed to player development or our annual fund. Select the corresponding button below.
Mail Your Donation
Checks made payable to: The United States Court Tennis Preservation Foundation (U.S.C.T.P.F.)
Mailed to:
Atth. Jane Lippincott, Treasurer
P.O. Box 194,
Jamestown, RI 02835
Please help us continue our efforts on behalf of court tennis in the U.S. Thank you for your consideration and support.
Treasurer: Jane C. Lippincott
Chairman: William F. (Bill) McLaughlin Jr.
Gifts of Stock
Support court tennis through a gift of appreciated securities, such as stocks and mutual funds. Often this may provide a substantial benefit of both a charitable deduction and avoiding capital gains taxes. Please consult your tax advisor. To contribute individual securities to the Foundation please email treasurer@usctpf.org.
The Foundation welcomes pledges – contributions payable over a set period of time (typically five years or less), allowing supporters to consider an elevated level of giving.
Matching Gifts
Court tennis supporters can possibly double their contribution amounts if their employers offer a corporate matching gift program. Check with your internal finance or human resources department for policies and documents to submit with your Foundation gift.
Planned Giving
Planned giving is a great way to strengthen the future of court tennis and provide you and your family with possible state planning benefits. One can include the Foundation in their estate plan through bequests, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, foundations, endowments, or other gifts. For further giving information please contact the Foundation Treasurer. Visit usctpf.org for more information on donation opportunities, tax forms, and recognized giving levels.
Please help us continue our efforts on behalf of court tennis in the U.S.